Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Single-payer LOBBY DAY 2009 - Sign-up Deadline is Friday!

We hope you'll join us!

This year we are looking forward to representation of nursing students from USF, SFSU, Mills College and UCSF at Lobby Day 2009! And we are hoping for even more campuses to participate. Its a great opportunity to learn about single-payer healthcare in California, make your voice heard, and help us build a nursing student movement!

If you aren't certain how you feel about single-payer healthcare and are not yet ready to lobby for it, you are welcome to join us for the training day only.

For more information and to register: http://www.csphr.org/calauhc
Deadline to sign-up is this Friday, December 12
Scholarships available. Email tanya.brown@ucsf.edu if interested

For more information on SB840 (the bill we are lobbying for) and single-payer:
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB0Vn_BppwM (20 minute video about SB840)
** http://www.grahamazon.com/sp/whatissinglepayer.php (animated video on single-payer)
** http://ns4universalhealthcare.blogspot.com/ (our blog with links to other resources)

Single-Payer Universal Healthcare LobbyDay!

Join hundreds of healthcare professional students from around California to advocate for a healthier California through a single-payer universal healthcare system. Learn more about single-payer healthcare, and then lobby your state legislators for the California Universal Health Care Act (SB 840).

Sunday, January 11, 2009, 12-6pm
Training workshops covering topics such as single-payer healthcare systems, SB840 and the legislative process

Monday, January 12, 2009, 10am-4pm
Lobby preparation, rally on steps of the Capitol, lobby visits

Our program this year is focused on building strong groups who will confidently lobby their representatives on California's Universal Health Care Act. If you would like to lobby on Monday January 12th you must complete the training day program on January 11th!

·$39.99 includes round trip bus ride, training day conference, one night stay at the Embassy Suites, rally, legislative visits and meals EXCEPT Sunday dinner.

·$15.99 includes training day conference, rally, legislative visits and meals EXCEPT Sunday dinner. (No bus, no hotel.)

"CALA" (California Alliance for Legislative Action) is a coalition of medical students, pre-medical, nursing and other health professional students who support the California Universal Health Care Act (SB 840), legislation that creates the framework for all Californians to have predictably affordable health insurance that is automatic & guaranteed, high quality & comprehensive.

For more info: http://www.csphr.org/calauhc

To sign up: http://lobbyday09.eventbrite.com/


Jennifer Alloo, MS2, UC Irvine SOM, jalloo@uci.edu
Erica Brode, MS2, UCSF SOM, Erica.Brode@ucsf.edu
Rebecka Lopez, MS2, USC Keck SOM, Rebecka.lopez@gmail.com